The Embassy presents financial support to Thai Friendship in Belgium ASBL (PuenThai Association) to assist Thai community in Belgium and to promote Thai culture in younger generations of Thais in Belgium and its neighboring countries

The Embassy presents financial support to Thai Friendship in Belgium ASBL (PuenThai Association) to assist Thai community in Belgium and to promote Thai culture in younger generations of Thais in Belgium and its neighboring countries

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 14 Nov 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 14 Nov 2023

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On 14 November 2023, H.E. Mr. Sek Wannamethee, Ambassador, welcomed Mrs. Supannee Boontook, President of Thai Friendship in Belgium ASBL (PuenThai Association), and the Association committee at the Embassy and assigned Ms. Warunee Pan-Krajang, Minister, to discuss on future cooperation with the representatives of the Association, and to present the Embassy’s financial support to the Association as a token of appreciation.

The Embassy and the Association are committed to proactively helping Thais living in Belgium on legal matters and social adaptation to strengthen Thai community. Future cooperation and activities such as Thai Music and Cultural Youth Camp in August 2024 was discussed to create a forum to promote Thai culture in younger generations of Thais living in Belgium and its neighboring countries. On this occasion, Minister Warunee expressed the full support for the activities conducted by the Association as it represents Thailand’s people’s diplomacy and cultural diplomacy. Minister Warunee also informed the members of the Association of the Embassy’s work in various aspects in line with Thailand’s foreign policy on engagement and partnership building with Thais at home and abroad.    

Thai Friendship in Belgium ASBL was founded in 2006. The main objective was to assist Thais who worked or are married to Belgians on legal matters. The Association’s previous activities included publishing residency guidance for Thais living in Belgium and PuenThai magazine, as well as organising legal aid briefings for Thais.

