วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Oct 2023
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 14 May 2024
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Death Certificate
Documents to provide :
Death Declaration form Download
- International death certificate, legalised by the SPF of Foreign Affairs of Belgium or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg
- Declaration of death issued by the hospital
- If applicable, documents specifying the cause of death, such as autopsy results, and police reports.
- A copy of the deceased person’s Thai ID card, passport, and residence certificate (Tabian Baan)
- A copy of the declaring person’s ID card
- The authorisation for the funeral, such as the Cremation Certificate, and the Authorisation of burial.
Remarks :
The death declaration of death delivered by the hospital must provide the following information (any missing information may be a reason for the declaration to be refused) :
- Cause of death
- If the deceased person died in a hospital, please provide the duration that the person was hospitalised prior to his/her death
- If the deceased person died in residence, please give the duration that the person resided in the place prior to his/her death
- An attestation regarding the deceased person’s cremation or burial
- Last known address of the deceased person
- Occupation of the deceased person
Authorisation to bring the ashes to Thailand
a) International death certificate
→ To be legalised at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (rue des Petits Carmes 27, 1000 Brussels)
b) A copy of the Thai identity card of the deceased
c) 15 € to pay in cash or bancontact
Customs procedure on bringing corpses/human ash into Thailand click here