วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 14 May 2024

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Death Certificate

Documents to provide :

Death Declaration form Download

  1. International death certificate, legalised by the SPF of Foreign Affairs of Belgium or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg
  2. Declaration of death issued by the hospital
  3. If applicable, documents specifying the cause of death, such as autopsy results, and police reports.
  4. A copy of the deceased person’s Thai ID card, passport, and residence certificate (Tabian Baan)
  5. A copy of the declaring person’s ID card
  6. The authorisation for the funeral, such as the Cremation Certificate, and the Authorisation of burial.

Remarks :

The death declaration of death delivered by the hospital must provide the following information (any missing information may be a reason for the declaration to be refused) :

  • Cause of death
  • If the deceased person died in a hospital, please provide the duration that the person was hospitalised prior to his/her death
  • If the deceased person died in residence, please give the duration that the person resided in the place prior to his/her death
  • An attestation regarding the deceased person’s cremation or burial
  • Last known address of the deceased person
  • Occupation of the deceased person

Authorisation to bring the ashes to Thailand

a) International death certificate

→ To be legalised at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (rue des Petits Carmes 27, 1000 Brussels)

b) A copy of the Thai identity card of the deceased

c) 15 € to pay in cash or bancontact

Customs procedure on bringing corpses/human ash into Thailand  click here