วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 22 Jan 2025

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Marriage Registration

When a Thai citizen with residence permit in Belgium/Luxembourg wishes to marry a Thai citizen or a non-Thai Citizen and have their marriage registered

Under the Thai Law, marriage registration can be requested at the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels.   

The Registration of marriage at the Thai embassy in Brussels is valid under Thai law, but it may not valid under Belgian law.   

Please contact the Belgian local registry office regarding marriage registration in Belgium.

Procedures to register marriage

  1. Prepare all of the necessary documents and send all copies to the Embassy for documents review at [email protected] All files should be named after the documents and attached in the same order of the checklist below.
  2. The document review takes 7-14 working days or more, depending on the number of applications at the time. Incomplete/incorrect documents may delay the process.
  3. Once the document review is completed, the Embassy will arrange an appointment for marriage registration. Both marriage applicants accompanied by two witnesses must appear at the Embassy to submit all the original documents, sign registration documents and obtain a marriage certificate.

Required documents to register marriage

  1. Request Form of Legalization Download here
  1. Application Form for Registration of Marriage. Please contact [email protected]
  1. Affirmation of marital status of non-Thai parties validity not older than 6 months. 
  • For Belgian/Luxembourg applicants

              For Belgian/Luxembourg applicants, the document must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium/Luxembourg.

  1. Valid identity card of both parties (both Thai identity card and Belgian/Luxembourg for Thai applicants)
  2. Valid passport of both parties (Thai passport for Thai applicants)
  3. House registration in Thailand (สำเนาทะเบียนบ้าน) (for Thai applicants)
  4. Certificate of Residence in Belgium/Luxembourg (or Attest van gezinssamenstelling/Certificat de composition de ménage)
  1. The following supporting documents must be submitted in the case that:

        8.1   Either party is divorced

                8.1.1   A divorced certificate for the previous marriage

               8.1.2   An affirmation of marital status

               8.1.3   A medical proof stating that the female applicant is not pregnant,

                         if the marriage registration takes place  during 310 days from the solution of previous marriage. 

                         This evidence is not required if a divorced couple remarry.

        8.2   Either party is widowed

                8.2.1   The deceased partner’s death certificate

                8.2.2   An affirmation stating that the remarriage has not taken place after the death of deceased partner

  1. Either party’s name has changed, please submit the name change certificate
  2. Two witnesses for marriage registration must submit:
    • Valid identity card (Thai card for Thai nationals)
    • Valid passport (Thai passport for Thai nationals)

Please note additional documents may be required

Free of charge
