วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Oct 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 6 Dec 2023

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Fingerprint collection for police clearance certificate

The Royal Thai Embassy cannot issue the police clearance certificate. Besides, it can be requested in Thailand with a power of attorney.

Documents to bring in order to collect the fingerprints:

  1. A Legalisation application form
  2. 3 identity-size photos in color
  3. 3 copies of the Thai/Foreign identity card
  4. 3 copies of the Thai/Foreign passport
  5. 3  copies of Thai House registration (for Thais)
  6. 3 copies of the document that indicates the purpose of police clearance use and the authority


  1. Bring the above-mentioned documents
  2. Come to the Royal Thai Embassy for fingerprint collection
  3. Request a power of attorney to assign someone in Thailand to undergo the procedure on your behalf/ submit your documents directly to the relevant authority in Thailand

Please see more information at https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/news/APPLICANTRESIDINGINABOARD_32.html