The Embassy participated in the Roundtable Discussion on Domestic Violence in Mixed Couples involving Asians in Belgium at ULB

The Embassy participated in the Roundtable Discussion on Domestic Violence in Mixed Couples involving Asians in Belgium at ULB

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 15 Dec 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 15 Dec 2023

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On 8 December 2023, Mr. Pathompong Singthong, Consul, participated as a speaker and discussant at the Roundtable Discussion on Domestic Violence in Mixed Couples involving Asians in Belgium organised by the BelMix Research Project of Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). The Consul shared the Embassy’s approach in assisting Thai ladies in Belgium and Luxembourg which emphasises on building trust and confidence in the Thai community as well as reinventing the Embassy as a “safe space” for all Thais. The Embassy also focuses on empowering Thai ladies through strengthening their legal knowledge, promoting their work skills, supporting religious and cultural activities, and building networks with different Thai communities and Belgian local authorities so that they can support the Embassy in helping Thai ladies in various aspects.
At the discussion, besides ULB’s researchers, the vice-consul of the Philippines in Belgium as well as representatives from NGOs also attended and shared their insights and actions in this regard. Asian female migrants are facing similar problems e.g., linguistic barrier, cultural differences, failing to access social services and welfare. All agreed that building supportive community and safe space is essential for opening their hearts. Raising their awareness of legal rights and on possible choices in life will give them much-needed confidence to address the violence they are facing. For next step, BelMix will come up with the infographic on how to request for emergency assistance and distribute to the Asian female communities in Belgium

